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Assistive Technology Skills Inventory

Assistive Technology Skills Inventory


Knowing what skills and knowledge educators should possess regarding AT can be difficult. During this quick win, you will learn about the AT Skills Inventory, and how to utilize the tool to:

  • identify educators who have expertise surrounding AT
  • discover AT skills and knowledge that educators should possess
  • self assess professional strengths and weaknesses related to AT

Why Try Something New?

The world of education is filled with knowledgeable individuals with different expertise. When we combine that knowledge thoughtfully, we discover solutions.

How was the AT Skills Inventory developed?

Professional organizations for various service providers have identified skills, abilities, and knowledge related to assistive technology that their members are expected to possess. Based on the information from these organizations, the Assistive Technology Skills Inventory was created.

The AT Skills Inventory is adapted from documents created by the following professional organizations:

  • American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) 
  • American Occupation Therapy Association (AOTA)
  • American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
  • National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
  • Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)

How to use the AT Skills Inventory

Assistive technology is too broad to expect any single individual to have all the answers. Those who coordinate AT services must have a solid understanding of the expertise that each professional role possesses and bring those individuals together to make decisions. The AT Skills Inventory allows the individual responsible for coordinating assistive technology to know:

  • What skills and knowledge each profession contributes
  • The skill set of specific professionals within the district

The AT Skills Inventory can help administrators gain a better understanding of the scope of knowledge each profession contributes to the consideration, trial, and implementation of assistive technology. When supporting AT decisions, it is critical for administrators to:

  • provide professional learning opportunities that maintain and enhance educator knowledge and skills
  • consistently involve all necessary professionals in the consideration, trial, and provision of AT services.

Individuals can also use the AT Skills Inventory as a self-assessment tool. The self-assessment offers a means for professionals to rate their level of proficiency with regard to the knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with their role.

Watch this video to learn more about how to use the AT Skills Inventory.

What’s Next?

Administrators or individuals who coordinate AT services may utilize the AT Skills Inventory to determine areas of strength and need among their staff. This information may assist in planning and providing professional learning opportunities that are targeted to identified staff needs. Results can also be used to identify who would be most beneficial to include in the assistive technology consideration process.

If you are an individual completing the self-assessment, you may utilize the results of the AT Skills Inventory to write professional learning goals for yourself. The results may also help you identify areas of needed professional learning and development.

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