9 Expanded Functions Eyegaze PODD book

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9 Expanded Functions Eyegaze PODD book

Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Display (PODD) is a means of selecting and organizing symbols so that students with complex communication needs and their communication partners can communicate more easily. The 9 Expanded Functions Eyegaze is a one-page book. 

This book options include: 

  • school 
  • Male 
  • Toilet 
  • Food & Drink (multiple pages) 
  • Like/Don't Like 

Individuals who have attended a two-day introductory training and own the PODD software may purchase PODD books from Alt+Shift. Individuals who have attended the one-day Alternative Access PODD training may also purchase from select eye gaze and partner assisted visual scanning books.


AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)



Replacement cost

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